Tuesday, December 24

Meeting Myself

I knew I cannot skip this meeting anymore, it was going to happen eventually, and it was my life's nightmare.
I knew however I tried, I cannot prevent it.
I entered the meeting room.
"Hello” I said and then I nodded my head approving that I am there.
I am sitting in the meeting room, with no one but myself.

Life Saving Cigarette

"So why are you here?" He asked me with a sarcastic tone. He did not really wait for a reply. “I will tell you why you are here. You are here because you want to convince yourself that you are seeking everywhere seeking for the truth, that you are a wisdom seeker."

I really did not know what to answer, I am here seeking wisdom, but deep inside me, I really doubted that I would really find any answer here.

Wednesday, December 11

The Man

It is the roman empire, be fast or be food. no place for weak or average people. Only the special are allowed to live in the niche.

It is the roman empire, people are strong and wealthy, life there is wonderful, it is the slaves from the other places who suffer, they suffer for the masters of the roman empire.

Wednesday, October 30

Random thoughts1

  • Why do I want to feel accepted, while I prevent to accept some people?
  • I don't know anything by default. Remember that.
  • Wisdom is expensive. What I paid for it in the past few days?
  • An encouraging smile is more important to hundreds than anything else is.
  • How much do I love?
  • How much do I accept?
  • Why is it important? Anything.
  • Where is your treasure? In addition, what is it? 
  • Where is your heart?
  • Are you waiting for anything that will make you feel better?
  • When was the last time you walked an extra mile cheerfully?
  • What is in your eyes that prevents you from seeing?

  • Once a wise man told me: "You will find people who are willing to do anything but the right thing."He looked at me: "You will understand this fact when u discover that you yourself are doing the same. Willing to do anything but the right thing."

Monday, October 7

Resignation Letter

Dear Sir:

How are you Sir and how is everything with you?

Wednesday, October 2

How do I Look?!

“Honey how do I look?"
I was watching the television and there was nothing in my mind. I was not really following anything. 
For an instance, I received the question as a serious question and started to think how she looks.

Monday, September 30

Prepared a Plant and a Worm.

And the Lord God prepared a plant and made it come up over Jonah, that it might be shade for his head to deliver him from his misery. So Jonah was very grateful for the plant. “

But as morning dawned the next day God prepared a worm, and it so damaged the plant that it withered

And it happened, when the sun arose, that God prepared a vehement east wind; and the sun beat on Jonah’s head, so that he grew faintThen he wished death for himself, and said, “It is better for me to die than to live.” fourth chapter in Jonah's book verses 6-8.

The Lord prepared a plant to deliver Jonah from his misery, 
HOWEVER, he prepared the next day a worm and wind to grow faint!!!

In my Dream, You were there.

In my dream, you were there.
You were sleeping calmly in a cool spring day.

In my dream, there was an alien in my room, from the outer space. 
I was trying to deal with him. 

In my dream I was confused dealing with an alien, do not how to deal with him. It was not clear why he is in my room.

Monday, September 23

Live For, Die For.

Is there hope here on earth?
As time pass on, I doubt!
Before you sleep, you think about tomorrow's responsibilities and pains. In addition, you remember your past pains!

Monday, September 16


"So mum, what made you trust dad that much, what happened"

My mum laughed hard, it is their wedding anniversary, every year on their anniversary they gather us and we have a small party, they always tell us very weird stories.

"We were taking couples lessons, and ...." my mum said,

Wednesday, August 28

He Fears Regret

She asked me "if I left him will I be mistaken?"
Usually I think hard before answering such questions, but this time I felt the urgency to reply immediately "No, it is the rightest thing to do!"

Tuesday, August 20

Flight: from USA to Egypt.

Mainly u feel that someone is either amazed or feeling sympathy !
"Why are you feeling sympathy for?" this was his reply when his friend said "oh"

with a tear in her eyes she said, "this must be hard!"

Wednesday, August 7

Egyptian, From Egypt, (After June 30 2013)

I am Egyptian, living in Egypt.
the next photos took on 3-7-2013 in Tahrir Square.
the day when Elsysy (military chief), gave the speech about making a new (Road Map).

Crossing street lights

"Dad what are waiting for?!"
"The walking sign" I replied.
" but dad we stood here for more than 10 minutes" 
" I don't care."
"But dad it is super hot here!"
"Yes, I know"
"Why don't we cross the street like all the other people who just passed"
 ....the end.....

NOTE: The previous story has nothing to do with obeying the law!!

Hint: i am talking about those ppl who are waiting for a sign to do something in their lives, sometimes the green light is just broke up, and you must figure by yourself the safest way and time to cross this road in life.

Saturday, July 27

To: Whom I Miss

Dear whom i miss

we were talking together, and he asked me, "for sure there is someone whom you really miss!"
i thought for a moment and said "yes, i miss her."

Monday, June 17

Until She Came

He couldn't focus, until she came.
It is when he totally lost his focus.

He thought he wanted her until she came, he understood that he needed her.

He proposed to her, and on the wedding day he was sure he wanted to live with her, he thought in that while waiting for her in the wed hall, until she came, he apologized!!, he didn't want to continue his life with her!!

Friday, June 14

The Worst Day in David's Life.

There are stories in our lives that you simply can't take it out of your mind.
it simply chases you.

that's the effect of good stories, which your life before knowing these stories differs from your life after hearing them.

How Do You Read?

Jesus once asked the rich man about his life:  What is your reading of it?
He asked this to the rich man (who wanted to inherit the kingdom of heaven). Jesus here asked him 2 questions: what is written in the law? ( as it was obvious to jesus that this man is a seeker and he probably took many steps of knowledge before coming to jesus.) and the second question is:

Sunday, May 26

Who am I?

i learnt to have ideal dreams and hopes and seek them!!

this is what i learnt !

and by default i learnt to not accet what am i doing right now hoping to have better life..

so instead of living every moment in my life, i started to be always seeking to he next different step!

He Saw Her and Wept

He was running, he insulted his brother.
his brother got angry and decided to kill him.
he left his home and ran away,
his uncle lived abroad in another country
so he decided to travel to him.

and then he saw his daughter

Safe City Road

“But be aware” she said in a freaking sound reading from an instruction book while she was sitting at the gate.
“a curse … a curse … is there in this road” and she paused a second. “hundreds started, few passed safely”
she smiled showing an ugly teeth

Sunday, April 7

Angry as I have never been before

I am angry, angry as I have never been before, angry as I shouldn't be.
Living in a dying country.
Today around 8 were killed around a church in khosos, 5 were shot, And three were burnt to death
And at night a brutal attack on a peaceful protest walk around the main court.
I am angry!
Feeling the worst unjust feeling I had ever, with a president who doesn't care!!!

Monday, March 11

Last Chat

she : why are you so angry?
I : why shouldn’t i be angry from you/
She: this is what can i do, i can't care more
I : you serious?!! you can't care LESS!!  
she: you are not being fair
I : and probably you are not being honest with yourself!!
she : Come on!
I : no i think we must finish this
she : ok
I : :-)
I : i have a serious last question!
she : ask
I : Can you care LESS, do you really have any deeper abilities to care LESS :-)

the end

Keep the Door Open

No don't close the door
keep it open
just leave but dont close the door behind you
let me see the tree and the sky behind it
the sky is clear
but there is this tiny cloud
that will turn into a rain
with thunder and lightning
keep the door open
so  i can smell the rain,
keep it open that my hair get wet from the tiny droplets from the air

Tuesday, January 29


I am just sharing my thought about how i see Microsoft the huge software company.

During my childhood till the end of my highschool; I almost never seen any other operating system but windows (and the black DOS).
but as the years pass by, i started hearing about other operating systems, i didn't understand how a computer can possibly run without a Microsoft Windows system.

i once Had the iMate Jam, and iMate JASJAM.They were PDAs with mobile as well. and i honestly can't describe how horrible they were, (i guess that that this company changed its name later to HTC)(after googling it, HTC came out from iMate company (link)).
its usability was a mess, although i did many work with it, but it was not pleasant.

after that i got the original iphone, the iphone 2G, my love to this device was insane, although it was not very productive, (for example on the original iPhone, you can not edit an excel sheet, as the AppStore was not there except after announcing the 3Gs).

later i owned the iPhone 4, it was a huge upgrade!

for sometime, the company named Microsoft became almost unnoticed, especially after Vista (OS for PCs). people started to think that this company is dying.
Google at this time started the Android OS, also it has an amazing search engine, Samsung was busy copying other devices and adding Android to it, Apple released iPhones, iPods and later iPads.
and in the gaming world, Play-Station was the giant.

Where is "the dying Microsoft now"?

  • In operating systems world: the stunning Windows 7 and lately Windows 8 regain the respect to Microsoft, 
  • In Mobile devices: Microsoft makes deal with Nokia and HTC, and now they are spreading fast, i just dealt with a new HTC windows 8, and it was really amazing. and i am expecting personally, that after few months, the windows 8 mobile devices will gain huge market share.
  • In gaming world: i doubt that any device in the market is anywhere close to the new xBox with the Kinect.
  • In the tablet world: the new Surface device is competing in the tablet world

finally, what i want to share, that it is nice to just look at the news in the world and learn from it.
Always there is something inspirational there.
although this company was out of the successful scene, but it didn't gave up, and nowadays it is almost sitting back again on the top of the technology world. 

Tuesday, January 22

Sufficient for the Day

By time we start thinking that we deserve something and we start fighting for what we think we deserve!!

After my graduation (i am a mechanical engineer BTW), these questions rises in me. what do i deserve?

Thursday, January 3

A Story From Life.

He was just a nice guy, handsome and super smart.
He liked a girl, with a heart of a child, a smile of an angel and she was smart and lovely.
they were an amazing couple, serving together, smart, and being just around them was lovely.
function excerpt_read_more_link($output) { global $post; return $output . ' Read More...'; } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'excerpt_read_more_link');