Tuesday, December 24

Life Saving Cigarette

"So why are you here?" He asked me with a sarcastic tone. He did not really wait for a reply. “I will tell you why you are here. You are here because you want to convince yourself that you are seeking everywhere seeking for the truth, that you are a wisdom seeker."

I really did not know what to answer, I am here seeking wisdom, but deep inside me, I really doubted that I would really find any answer here.

"So, do you really think that I have anything to help you with?"
I did not know what to reply, it turned uncomfortable how much he thought that I am underestimating him.

"I will answer you respecting your attempt to know" he took a deep breath and closed his eye. "You will be cursed to stay an endless night, till a dawn comes, with no sleep no companion."

I could not prevent myself from smiling. However, he said without opening his eyes, "you may leave now." 
I found this relieving, cursing the stupid idea I had to talk with him. 
However when I went out the main door I found myself on a riverside. 
My car was not there. Actually, nothing was there, but a single chair with a table beside it. 

I went without understanding to the chair and sat on it. 

For some reason I did not freak out, it was as if I knew it. I stayed and waited. I had no cell phone and no watch in my hand. There was no light but the moon which was full and in the middle of the sky.

On the chair, I was able to see the moon between the leaves of the tree; the smooth air was waving slowly.

It was slightly cold and I started to shiver a little bit. I kept waiting and waiting, but nothing happened. 
Moreover, I noticed something, I knew as time pass at night, the moon starts to change its position in the sky.
But the moon was not.

I started to refer from the tree, to determine whether the moon is moving or not. This time I was sure, it was not moving. Time had stopped. 
I kept remembering various memories, pleasant and non-pleasant thoughts, what amazed me, how much my thoughts were not organized.
The more time I passed the more I understood that this would not lead me to anything. 
I started to get scared and the question I asked myself whether I was still alive or not.
For a moment, I thought that I am dead and I am in this state that I read a lot about it, something between death and life. 

I closed my eyes and a tear went down, it was warm, it was a surrendering tear, and for a moment, I felt peace.
I simply relaxed and emptied my mind, what astonished me is that my head started to relax; I have nothing to really do tomorrow. The mail which I was worried about in work, I will not send, and I will not worry about my boss, and I will not run fast to try not reach the office late.

I do not know how much time I passed there, may be few hours or may be days!

There was a pack of cigarette on the table. I picks one, and ignite it. I looked at the beautiful orange color. It is refreshing, it usually looks gray ashes in morning day light, but here it is glowing. It was dying by time.

All of a sudden, while looking at it, an idea popped to my mind, since the cigarette is burning, therefore time is really passing, and it did not stop. In addition, things have different colors; it depends on how you choose to see anything.

I found the man beside me, "Son, three things to reach wisdom, and you and only you can help yourself, time pass fast to worry, but you must pass enough time to learn from it.
Secondly, do not judge. As the colors you see, depends on the amount of light you have. There is no absolutes.
Thirdly, as a wisdom seeker, you must never underestimate wisdom from anyone." he paused a moment, while I was opening my mouth amazed, "Go home."

As he finished his sentence, a bird chirped a morning chirp.

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