Tuesday, October 7

Why I am writing this blog?

I am not a teacher nor a counselor nor a preacher.
I do not think i am wise, nor smart, nor funny nor dull.
I consider myself honest and sincere as much as i can.
I am an average person, (what does "average person" means anyway?)

I believe that the Lord loves me, so i am lovely!
And i found his name "ebn el ensan - son of man" helps me a lot in understanding myself and understanding the human nature.

I am just sharing some questions that is raised in my head, cases that touched me and stories that I liked.
I google the pictures, so i do not own most of the pictures i share.

If you read any of my posts, i am flattered and thankful that you took the time to read any of my articles.

I am only aiming that i ask the right questions and seek the answers.
I always ask myself this question, "what am i seeking in this life?  what are the questions that i should be asking?  and whom i should be asking the questions?"

And in my path of seeking and understanding, i take a deep breath and post some ideas here.

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function excerpt_read_more_link($output) { global $post; return $output . ' Read More...'; } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'excerpt_read_more_link');