Tuesday, August 20

Flight: from USA to Egypt.

Mainly u feel that someone is either amazed or feeling sympathy !
"Why are you feeling sympathy for?" this was his reply when his friend said "oh"

with a tear in her eyes she said, "this must be hard!"

"no not really." he replied. 
"oh!" She replied.

[ This is a situation where the "oh" sound was used in its two most usage. ]

but this is not a story i a just invented now, it is a real story!!
he is from Cairo, Egypt.
She is from the United States of America.

He was visiting family in the America, where he met her. she is a lovely beautiful girl, whom life was not so generous with her. she wanted him to stay in the USA, but he was very keen to return back to his country..

"Are you not following the news, Egypt is passing through rough time."
"Yes i know, that is why i really want to return back to my country.."

Although he said this but he thought of leaving Egypt and had a smoother life in the USA.
He is comparing (Value vs Peace)..
He has value in his country among his ppl.
while he is having peace here, with English as a second language.

Actually he thought for a moment to choose peace!!

He bought a book about the life of Bonhoeffer, a German pastor who chose to live among his ppl during the Nazi era, instead of living in the USA, Bonhoeffer life was ended by the Nazi.
Although he never finished the book, but the idea to live among his ppl has the maximum impact on him..

He is serving in a church in Kerdasa, His Church is named upon The Archi Angel Michael, 
Ppl attacked this church and it was left into ruins.

"One day i was standing beside one of the teenagers in the church and he was taking several pictures for it, with both admiration and love. I asked him why are you doing this, and he replied with proud, "isnt it beautiful, i helped in building this church" the kid answered him. to be honest he failed to truly understand this feeling, he never participated in building anything."

"Probably, i was standing beside him while shooting this picture, he was very proud of it, while i was in the USA, he sent me a message " They are attacking my church" and then he sent me the picture who took it after one day,

She said to him after showing her the pictures: "Your life is in danger there, it is more safe to stay here."
He thought for a moment that she may be right. 
but when he passed more time with himself, if his life is not safe, how about the life of this young man who participated in building the church?

He really had a challenge in his mind, but it was set.

"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

    He makes me lie down in green pastures,

he leads me beside quiet waters,

    he refreshes my soul.

He guides me along the right paths

    for his name’s sake."

Will He is doing this for the sake of his name in one country only.

She told him: "You can sign a paper for refuge"
He thought again for a moment

"Blessed are all who take refuge in him."Psalm 2:11-12
"In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me: “Flee like a bird to your mountain."
"But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you."

He knows in himself that his faith is slow and weak!
Yet, he knows that he can try it.

no one has ever tried him and lost anything.

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