Monday, September 30

In my Dream, You were there.

In my dream, you were there.
You were sleeping calmly in a cool spring day.

In my dream, there was an alien in my room, from the outer space. 
I was trying to deal with him. 

In my dream I was confused dealing with an alien, do not how to deal with him. It was not clear why he is in my room.

In my dream I made something that caused a loud voice, I was afraid to wake you up.
You opened your eyes slightly, and blamed me angrily with your eyes, that I woke you up. 

In my dream, you did not even care to ask what was wrong with me but you turned yourself to the other side to continue sleeping.

In my dream, I felt lonely although you were just beside me. 
When I woke up, you were not there.

I smiled feeling more relieved that you are not beside me.

Feeling lonely while no one beside you, is much easier than feeling lonely with someone sleeping next to you.

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