Wednesday, October 2

How do I Look?!

“Honey how do I look?"
I was watching the television and there was nothing in my mind. I was not really following anything. 
For an instance, I received the question as a serious question and started to think how she looks.

She is getting fatter and her eyes are getting weary, her mouth is getting wider! Is that even possible!
Her ears is so small, loosing contrast with her nose, and there is a clear visible angle in her nose!
Wrinkles are covering her hands and face.
Her teeth are yellow. 
She found me staring at her so she asked me, "what"
I loved her for what, I asked myself.
"You are scaring me, what" she asked.

"You are beautiful, the most beautiful girl in the world, you look gorgeous, and I love you so much, you are my beloved and I am blessed by marrying you."
And I kissed her hands.


function excerpt_read_more_link($output) { global $post; return $output . ' Read More...'; } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'excerpt_read_more_link');