Thursday, January 3

A Story From Life.

He was just a nice guy, handsome and super smart.
He liked a girl, with a heart of a child, a smile of an angel and she was smart and lovely.
they were an amazing couple, serving together, smart, and being just around them was lovely.

i didn't see them for 2 years, then one friend called me to invite me to attend the boy's wedding, i was excited and told him they were always an awesome couple. He replied "no the bride's name is ....."
i was shocked, and i didnt reply and i didn't even attend this wedding.

i honestly don't know what happened.
he took a very spectacular girl instead of his girl.

one day i was on a seaside and he was there with his wife, for some unknown reason i failed to talk with them smoothly.
it wasn't a long time until i attended a friend's wedding and the girl came with her new fiance, God only knows how much i was very happy to see her, she was so angel and so kind as usual, she was glowing, and her fiance was lovely, unlike her ex-friend when i saw him with his wife, my stomach ached.. 

i really like how many times i see a tragedy that turns into a super blessing, i was so sad for the girl who was abandoned by her friend for years, yet her new fiance is the best for her.

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