Sunday, May 26

Safe City Road

“But be aware” she said in a freaking sound reading from an instruction book while she was sitting at the gate.
“a curse … a curse … is there in this road” and she paused a second. “hundreds started, few passed safely”
she smiled showing an ugly teeth
profile. “Many thought that they will be safe, as it is the road to the safe city”

“this road is not for cowards, if you seek safety away from the safe city, don’t go this road”
“you will be brutally injured, you will lose what you love, and you will be alone most of the time.”

“Many started and returned back, but they were brutally injured”
“you will doubt and doubt, and you will fail and fall, at a point you will hate yourself for taking the decision, but before you totally faint, you will be there.”

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