Friday, June 14

How Do You Read?

Jesus once asked the rich man about his life:  What is your reading of it?
He asked this to the rich man (who wanted to inherit the kingdom of heaven). Jesus here asked him 2 questions: what is written in the law? ( as it was obvious to jesus that this man is a seeker and he probably took many steps of knowledge before coming to jesus.) and the second question is:
what is your reading for it? in other words, HOW do you read what you are reading?

i am not here to interpret the story, but to look a deeper look at this philosophical question: how do you read your life? how do you evaluate your life? what are the standards? and what do you do with your standards?

this question if you noticed is a reply to a question, i mean this is not the first question you should ask yourself, actually this question wont appear in the lives of people who dont seek anything!

Many people dont seek. and from those who seek, many dont have standards to measure on it. and from those who have standards, many dont interpret their lives if compared to the values and standards. and from those who interpret their lives and evaluate it, many dont take any actions to change their lives!!!


it is really rare to find ppl who take themselves seriously. who deal with themselves seriously.

This always puts me in front of this question, in which stage am I?

Which group do you belong to?

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function excerpt_read_more_link($output) { global $post; return $output . ' Read More...'; } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'excerpt_read_more_link');