Wednesday, October 30

Random thoughts1

  • Why do I want to feel accepted, while I prevent to accept some people?
  • I don't know anything by default. Remember that.
  • Wisdom is expensive. What I paid for it in the past few days?
  • An encouraging smile is more important to hundreds than anything else is.
  • How much do I love?
  • How much do I accept?
  • Why is it important? Anything.
  • Where is your treasure? In addition, what is it? 
  • Where is your heart?
  • Are you waiting for anything that will make you feel better?
  • When was the last time you walked an extra mile cheerfully?
  • What is in your eyes that prevents you from seeing?

  • Once a wise man told me: "You will find people who are willing to do anything but the right thing."He looked at me: "You will understand this fact when u discover that you yourself are doing the same. Willing to do anything but the right thing."

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