Tuesday, January 22

Sufficient for the Day

By time we start thinking that we deserve something and we start fighting for what we think we deserve!!

After my graduation (i am a mechanical engineer BTW), these questions rises in me. what do i deserve?
what should i hunt?

This leads me to ask my self daily this two questions: “What am i living to do?” and “Is what am i doing now is what i really want to be doing for the rest of my life?”

and to be honest after a year of graduation and working in this Job i am working in it right now, i don’t know the answers of both questions!

So, will I continue my life repeating the same two questions which i am not able to reply?
Well i probably need a new mind set.

so, how should i pass my days and what should i ask myself, well, am i living for his glory?
That’s a good question but honestly what am i doing now in the office has nothing to do with these sentences, this wont help me to take better job opportunity decisions.

I guess this question may be the answer, “Am i surviving? Am doing what i (have to/should) do?” if yes i shouldn’t ask myself anymore questions.

yakfy el youm sharoh == sufficient for the day is its own trouble (Mathew 6:34)

and honestly, why am i thinking that i deserve anything?

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