As the star for the play he stood on the stage, while people where clapping and whistling loud for him, he was bowing with content,
"I got all those people approval." he told himself
At this moment he looked to the backstage to look at the play director, but the play director seemed to be unsatisfied and unhappy.
The actor shivered, he knew why his director is not happy.
He kept Bowing and raising his hands to the audience. But he wanted to cut it short.
When he returned to the backstage he Smiled, but his director looked at him.
"hey, didn't you see, more people are coming daily!"
His director remained silent looking at him.
"what" the star asked.
When he received no answer, he replied as if he was defending himself " what I am doing is getting more audience to the play.
"you are not following the scripture"
"yes, but look at the results"
"no, I never cared about the audience rating for my play, I care to do it My way"
The actor remained silent,
He was not happy with his director reaction, he thought that he was exaggerating!!
"nothing wrong in adding few sentences few moves few jokes"
"son my name is in the play as a director, if you followed me. You will have less general audience approval, but you will get my approval and the critics approval"
The actor knew that his director is right, hundreds of actors dreamt to be with him, he is the best director, the actor knew that he is very lucky to be chosen for this role,
The actor promised to follow the director, to follow the scripture, but not the audience.
"sir" the actor said, "I am getting more audience to you, you must be thankful"
"son, I am the one who is responsible, I can do it with you or without you, I am jealous about my name, I am giving you the privilege to be With me,
When you do MY WORK, you do it MY WAY"
The actor is thinking...
Take heed that you do not do .. before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven."your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly. (Matthew 6: 4 NKJV)"
Mardaki to Esther: "For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance WILL ARISE for the Jews from ANOTHER place. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14 NKJV)"
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