Place: my car, time: noon, location: somewhere, mood: (auto pilot driving mode),
The car in front me is a Mercedes CLK, while behind me is a donkey,
On my left hand side is Harley Davidson, and on my right hand side A scooter carrying a man and a pregnant woman and two kids between them, beside a bus which generates a dark smoke, carrying at least 80 persons, some of them are putting only one foot inside the bus, while holding with their both hands, trying not to fall from the bus.
There is garbage mountain and a young boy is selecting plastic bottles from pile of trash, and spreading it everywhere.
There was a skinny dog beside him sorting as well as a cat. Both are sitting peacefully together, while a mouse is crossing the street between the cars,
Everywhere colored posters with men in poses, aiming to be the first elected president. One of them is with an unshaved beard and a snake
Eye, another one with a fake smile, the last with a folded hands style,
A single lonely bird in a very warm humid weather standing on a branch of a lonely leafless tree singing a sad hymn looking at the hot sun at noon aiming for a single cloud to cover the sun for a few moments.
On the sidewalk there is a mad man, talking to himself, homeless, without a destiny, beside him a bearded man wearing a short robe,
And a black object (probably a woman) covering itself, even hands.
Beside them a man with a low waist trouser showing his underpants engaging a girl while smoking a cigarette.
An old woman with her daughter, holding hands, doing a huge effort to get down from the sidewalk to cross the street,
I am in my car hearing a christian hymn while another car is playing trance track loud, and at the same time the Harley making its noise, and there is a few Islamic prayer time shouts coming from everywhere,
while we are moving in the eternal traffic jam, a small girl begging and a man with some flower rings with the smell of jasmine, and a very old lady pretending that she is selling soft tissues.
I am in my country
And Lot lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere (before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah) like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt as you go toward Zoar. (Genesis 13:10 NKJV)
"The garden of the lord is as beautiful as the land of Egypt was!"
(this what sin did)
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