Monday, November 19

5 Tiny Stories

She said: "NO"
I asked her: "really?!" 
She replied confidently : " yes I am sure"
I laughed hard, so did she!
I said: "proud of you girl"
And she replied "hope always".

"yes" he replied
"whom were you talking to now?"
But he never replied.

"I don't like him"
"any good reason for that"
"mm, it needs a moment of truth to tell, and I am preventing it"
"but he likes you, you were always been best friends"
"that's why I prefer to not think about it" he replied staring down to his feet.

"you are doing this again"
"did I ever say that I stopped !!!"
"no, but I thought you should"
"I am not responsible to what you think about" he said this and left..


He looked miserable, he entered the church, while he walked no one looked at him, 
He was holding a photo of a girl, she is a very young girl, around 12 years old, he showed the photo to someone, and he said something, I wasn't close enough to hear what did he say.
He left the man, looked again at the photo and kissed the photo, he walked towards another man and showed him the photo again, they kept talking for a while, and at this moment my mum wanted to leave, so we left, and i never understood the secret of this miserable man with girl's photo.
(true story)

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