Monday, November 19


I looked at his eyes,
For a moment.
He was preventing eye contact.
He thought he was confident, he thought he knew what he was doing.
He said yes, but I heard no,
Although he did it, I saw him not doing it,
When he spoke, I saw him without his masks, 
Although he took care on his masks!!
I saw him totally without it,

Side Talk

guys I have to rest a little" he told his friends leaving them and having a seat by himself inside a shopping mall.
he looked beside him and started to talk.
"hey lord, come on, I left my friends to sit with you few minutes"
"hey joe, how are you"

On The Stage Of Life

As the star for the play he stood on the stage, while people where clapping and whistling loud for him, he was bowing with content,
"I got all those people approval." he told himself
At this moment he looked to the backstage to look at the play director, but the play director seemed to be unsatisfied and unhappy.

Oswald Chambers - (from

That's the sharing by Oswald Chambers.
It held a clear message

Apr 22,2012
We all, with unveiled face, beholding . . . the glory of the Lord . . . —2 Corinthians 3:18

He had an opinion

It is not that he doesn't accept other opinions,
But he understands what is meant to have an opinion, 

He understood that they didnt like him to heal on Saturdays, but he insisted on doing most of his miracle on Saturdays.

He understood totally that he shouldn't enter Jerusalem that day, but he entered!

Like The Garden Of The LORD

Place: my car, time: noon, location: somewhere, mood: (auto pilot driving mode), 

The car in front me is a Mercedes CLK, while behind me is a donkey,
On my left hand side is Harley Davidson, and on my right hand side A scooter carrying a man and a pregnant woman and two kids between them, beside a bus which generates a dark smoke, carrying at least 80 persons, some of them are putting only one foot inside the bus, while holding with their both hands, trying not to fall from the bus.

Chat With a Donkey

So I wake up, I don't know why!
As fast as I can,I reached my cellphone, it is 4:40 am!!
I checked my email (as I do daily). 
I tried to sleep again but I was very awake !
It is a new day in my life isn't it?
I am not that excited at all.

The Sailor-man's Dream

"It is a dream you don’t dare to ask" he said to me, "Sometimes heaven seems easier to reach" he paused for some time and he resumed "it is a selfless dream, but in this selflessness you find your real self. It is like a disease that will end your life and in this disease you really appreciate life and start enjoying it."

5 Tiny Stories

She said: "NO"
I asked her: "really?!" 
She replied confidently : " yes I am sure"
I laughed hard, so did she!
I said: "proud of you girl"
And she replied "hope always".

Sunday, November 18


لا يا سيدتي! لا تسألي
لقد سألت قبلا!
أحقا لا تتذكرين!
حيت غربت الشمس خلف الجبل البعيد خلف البحر من وراء السحاب.
و عندما احمرت المياه معلنة حزنا علي ضياع يوم، كنت لا اعرف هل سألقاك ثانية بعد هذا اليوم، ام انها اللحظة الاخيرة التي سألقاكِ فيها.

My Son

"Your son is not fine today." she called me to tell me. "Please don't be late!"
Although I had many things to do in the office I left as early as I can to see why my son is not fine.
When I entered home he usually jumps on me saying "babe came baba came".
Today he didn’t. "I don’t know what is wrong with him." she said. "I kept asking him how you are. Is everything fine and he kept replying, yes everything is fine."

Saturday, November 3

Article - About Short Stories

Writing a short story is something very beautiful. 
You must keep it short fast and mysterious.
The clever writer must add a space to the reader to understand it his way, to add his personal opinion in understanding it.
Just like music, I can't define it to you what exactly I meant in playing it.
You (as a listener) must add your own perspective on it.
Songs force on you what I meant in this music!

5 Short Stories

He was walking with his friends, they were laughing and talking while he was drinking a coca cola.
He stepped on the sidewalk when he trembled and fell down in a funny way, 
His friends laughed they were enjoying their Time,
One of them bent down to help him to raise up, he looked at him and said "I don't want to continue, I don't want to stand up again."
and then he closed his eyes .... 


A Flower

I asked the sea what should I do.
Sleeping beauty slept. And she's far away.
The sea told me "get a flower and let it bath in the moon light and let your heart whisper to it"

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