Tuesday, October 9

One day shopping

we both lied, 
he lied to gain some money; 
i lied to proove myself right

he lied in front of a client 
and i lied infront of young man.

we both lied 
we both cheated 

i got angry from him because i got his lie
yet since he didnt get my lie he respected me more because i lied!!

i lied as if i am a professional liar, we lie better when we are not afraid 
when we don't want something..
when we lie for lying..

he was not aware that he was lying
yet i was fully aware!!

he was raised in a lying community 
yet i was raised in an honest one!!

i dont know whether what he did makes God angry. 
but i am sure that i saddened the holy spirit inside me.

sometimes i consider myself as a good one, but one day after another The Lord reveals to me how rubbish i am, that my nature is corrupt, and i am foolish without him. 

yet, i won't loose hope 
i have nothing to live with but my hope in him.
so i raise my eyes and confess that i need help 
what amazes me really what David said in the psalm 
"Restore to me the JOY of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit"
he is mentioning the joy when he was supposed to only mention weeping.

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