Saturday, September 5

About Sex

Sex is one of the most sensitive issues, Sex sells like what they say, I felt challenged to describe how i see this subject, and i tried to be as neutral as possible.

One of the most stories that filled my imagination, is the story of Adam and Eve.
I even tried to learn more about it even from other religions. (like this article)

What caught my imagination is their realization that they are nude, and what does it mean?
What happened to make them realize that they are nude?

Until the day when Adam and Eve ate from the tree, they did not see the gender differences.
But when "feeling Guilt" invaded their hearts, fear entered their vocabulary,

They wanted to know the (Good and Evil) and all of a sudden they learnt a lot in just few minutes.
I imagine Eve, holding Adam’s arm with her hands, “I am scared Adam, help me.”

It was the first time she really felt the strength in his muscles, and the veins in his arm!
Adam as well, never understood, how sweet she is, and how he wants to hug her, to protect her, and to feel her softness.
At this exact moment, the blood filled their bodies and a sudden shivering filled them,

Eve’s fear and confusion made her hold tighter on Adam’s body. And her softness just made him feel important, desired, loved, and accepted.
At this moment, he felt for the first time the blood in his biological body.
At this moment, they understood they are naked.
He stared at her body, with a new perspective, her softness and her details.
He was not sure what to do, he wanted to cover himself and she got confused from his body!!!
He got some leaves and tried to cover his body parts, and she felt the same.

At this moment the lord passed, Adam hid, his body was acting in a new way, he felt that it is not polite to make anyone see him in this situation.

When they went out of Eden’s garden, she was more afraid, and he did not succeed in living alone.
He loved her so much, but every time he comes near to her, he feels the same feelings he had while the Lord was passing in heaven.
That is why the sensual feelings are (since then) related with shame.*
*(That's a myth, I never read about it, and this is PURE IMAGINATION) 

“And Adam knew (Sexually) Eve his wife.”

It Is when feeling love and passion, when feeling weak and vulnerable.
It is the childish belonging to someone,
it is exploring the other childishly, what is there, and how does it feel..
You cannot have sex with someone you do not deeply love,
How can you??
What will you discover in a stranger??
It is the light and darkness of a soul, aching for existence, it is the deepest feeling and understanding of immortality.
It is the moment that lasts forever, and it is need of having part of you living more than you.

Why Porn?
Porn is the deepest loneliness feeling!
Porn is the greediness,
Porn is accepting someone to be miserable for you to entertain.
Porn is about body parts rather than intimacy.
Porn is domination of men.
Porn has clear targets, to destroy the greatness of godliness of Sex and life itself.”
Porn is about cheating, seducing, family members, divorce, and different ways of satisfying yourself.
Porn is like being drunk, totally unaware of anything, and totally insensitive..

Here is a video of someone talking about, why he stopped watching porn?

also, Google "porn stars Deaths" to find some very sad results, most of them are really desperate and misusing drugs. Many stars in this industry committed suicide.
I feel that we are participating in this crime, when we look at it, when we add views.
We are actually participating in increasing greediness. and probably we are hurting someone.

Again and again, I question myself whether I am aware of the danger of  coming near this area, whether I understand that this area is very dangerous. and that I am participating in it.

These were some random thoughts.

I just read many articles from different places, and I felt challenged to discuss how I see Sex issue and Porn.

and not very proud with this article, but, here it is!


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