Sunday, December 2

random thoughts

I write in Arabic very slowly, if compared to my typing in English.
My English is not very good, sometimes I struggle to express myself.

Also Arabic is not an easy language, as you all know; Arabic which we speak is totally different than the Arabic we write with. I was thinking that there cannot be an Arabic test similar to the ielts test.
I do not know when the leaders in the Arabic world will realize the absolute necessity for something like that. 

I have lots and lots to share and write.
I like stories and analyzing, I love it. This is where I excel.
However, I feel lazy to write whenever I start writing I have the feeling that I am going to write a noble winning novel. As soon as I start writing I discover how I cannot transfer my thoughts into words, and when I read something that I already finished I discover how poor the quality is.

I am captivated by the gap between the materialistic world and the mystic world.
The gap is really increasing.

And now I am struggling with expressing my ideas.
I usually when I reach this phase, I stop writing hoping that I will continue the article later. or do extra effort, and it turns to be very painful.

Adjusting the language and the text is very frustrating. How much I wish to hire someone whom I can share my ideas with and he / she will write for me.

I will later on adjust the wording and phrases to restore my thoughts with my writing capabilities. Unfortunately, I did not start that yet.

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function excerpt_read_more_link($output) { global $post; return $output . ' Read More...'; } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'excerpt_read_more_link');