I know many won't agree with me in my point of
I think,
"it is easier on us
to be not taking our full rights rather
than been rewarded more
than what we deserve."
Injustice is sadly part of life.
There are some who are not rewarded at all, and there
are others who are rewarded exceedingly, some call the other as “lucky”.
But every coin has two faces, what is the other
side of being lucky in life?
Those lucky people have insensitive hearts,
rigid vision and greediness.
Although the unlucky (less fortunate people) are
tired weary and in many cases whining people, yet they have sensitive heart and
they are willing to help others. They have a capability to have empathy with
I prefer to have a soft heart rather than luck.
life is short,
feeling that "the unjust" that
occurred to you didn't affect anyone badly but you.
some people can handle unjust easier than
others. this is for various reasons, some feels internally rewarded, others the injustice triggers their hopes that one day they will be rewarded.
some people take revenge, others are waiting for God to take revenge, while others are praying that God may bless those who has attacked them or
caused harm.
Some people forgive!
and what is forgiveness.
forgiveness is the major word for unjust.
forgiveness is something inside us, it is inside
out and it is regardless the situation.
Forgiveness is not the result of any action, it
is an internal attitude.
forgiveness is not fair
it is hard
forgiveness says, "I will reward you when you are not going to give
me, when you do not deserve, when you are tired!
I will forgive, because I can
I will give and give and promise to give in the
future I will for-give.
I will give you, even when I am tired and when I
am getting drained. "
that is the loveliest promise, that you are
that I will forgive you.
in the good and in the bad
doing right or doing wrong.
it is seeing you in another place different than
what you are in right now. and I will work hard to make you achieve it.
I will not accept your current weakness as a
final situation, but as a sickness, you will be cured, you will be the best, I
will accept you, and push you until you are healed, and if you aren't healed, I
will be with you.
I will be with you to have a good life.
it is a promise.
what a word, probably there is no more beautiful
word than forgiveness.
Forgiveness has Grace where I will reward you
and ready to give everything to you.
forgiveness has faith that there are many good
things in you.
forgiveness has hope, that tomorrow is worth it.
Forgiveness is love,
Love is the core for forgiveness.
you cannot forgive unless you are
you are not capable of the loving forgiveness
except if you received loving forgiveness.
some people are blessing others.