Would you please tell us about the novel you are writing right now?
- It is a novel.
starts with someone who really wants to write a novel.
various stories, nothing common between them,
news and real life events in the middle,
It is like a global journal,
Weakness and vulnerability is a theme.
Absolute randomness and doubt.
Does it have love stories?
- I think yes,
it is a global journal,
it has youtube videos, and random pictures.
the inner inner heart is exposed.
A professor, having 3 children, 2 boys and one girl,
And MS disease, and ALS.
why sickness?
-May be it is the second gloabally believed fact after death.
Also, a genius kid, and a very sincere sheikh who stopped believing.
a corrupt priest, using the word of God for his own personal benefits.
social freaks,
a married person who discovered that he is Gay but after marriage,
two sisters loving the same man,
a mother that is super controlling,
a suicidal father,
a doctor in the middle of a heart operation discovers that he really hates the blood scenery.
a romantic hesitant girl,
a boy who really wishes that anyone might accept him.
an addict who is in a rehab
a boy, whose mother is a prostitute and his sister is away from the house.
A 19 year old girl who ran away from her family to join the porn industry, promised to make around 10k dollars per week, and got HIV after just 3 weeks in the industry.
Finally, a 40 years old woman, who had a DNA test, to discover that she is not the biological daughter to her father, and her mother just died few weeks before the test results.
What language are you going to use in this novel?
-Both arabic and english, i cannot express myself good enough in arabic, yet my artistic level in arabic is better than english.
who will read your novel?
-Probably no one!
Who will read a novel written in two languages, about a global journal, and where the heroes meet together in a cliche meeting.
can you tell me few lines from the novel?
-"while Adam was waiting for his turn, he looked around him and all of a sudden he started to hear himself speaking, and suddenly all those around him were listening sincerely, as if he has something very important to say, a woman shed a tear while hearing him while another man felt the urge to fight him, but kept listening very politely until Adam finished talking. His fear was increasing a lot, not because of what he was saying, but from the people care to listen. No one seemed to be judging, except the angry man who was clearly going to hit Adam, as soon as Adam finished talking. after he finished, he was hit and fainted."
Wait a minute, this is not interesting at all!
-I know,
then why do you insist on writing this novel?
-I feel obliged.
It will not achieve success?
-I am not aiming success anyway.
Do you portray yourself in any of the characters?
- This novel is only about me.
I am the father, the son, the daughter, the sheikh, the priest, the corrupt, the honest, the dr, the addict, the gay husband and the shocked woman.
That does not make sense!
- Indeed
- It is a novel.
starts with someone who really wants to write a novel.
various stories, nothing common between them,
news and real life events in the middle,
It is like a global journal,
Weakness and vulnerability is a theme.
Absolute randomness and doubt.
Does it have love stories?
- I think yes,
it is a global journal,
it has youtube videos, and random pictures.
the inner inner heart is exposed.
A professor, having 3 children, 2 boys and one girl,
And MS disease, and ALS.
why sickness?
-May be it is the second gloabally believed fact after death.
Also, a genius kid, and a very sincere sheikh who stopped believing.
a corrupt priest, using the word of God for his own personal benefits.
social freaks,
a married person who discovered that he is Gay but after marriage,
two sisters loving the same man,
a mother that is super controlling,
a suicidal father,
a doctor in the middle of a heart operation discovers that he really hates the blood scenery.
a romantic hesitant girl,
a boy who really wishes that anyone might accept him.
an addict who is in a rehab
a boy, whose mother is a prostitute and his sister is away from the house.
A 19 year old girl who ran away from her family to join the porn industry, promised to make around 10k dollars per week, and got HIV after just 3 weeks in the industry.
Finally, a 40 years old woman, who had a DNA test, to discover that she is not the biological daughter to her father, and her mother just died few weeks before the test results.
What language are you going to use in this novel?
-Both arabic and english, i cannot express myself good enough in arabic, yet my artistic level in arabic is better than english.
who will read your novel?
-Probably no one!
Who will read a novel written in two languages, about a global journal, and where the heroes meet together in a cliche meeting.
can you tell me few lines from the novel?
-"while Adam was waiting for his turn, he looked around him and all of a sudden he started to hear himself speaking, and suddenly all those around him were listening sincerely, as if he has something very important to say, a woman shed a tear while hearing him while another man felt the urge to fight him, but kept listening very politely until Adam finished talking. His fear was increasing a lot, not because of what he was saying, but from the people care to listen. No one seemed to be judging, except the angry man who was clearly going to hit Adam, as soon as Adam finished talking. after he finished, he was hit and fainted."
Wait a minute, this is not interesting at all!
-I know,
then why do you insist on writing this novel?
-I feel obliged.
It will not achieve success?
-I am not aiming success anyway.
Do you portray yourself in any of the characters?
- This novel is only about me.
I am the father, the son, the daughter, the sheikh, the priest, the corrupt, the honest, the dr, the addict, the gay husband and the shocked woman.
That does not make sense!
- Indeed
أخبرني جدي بقصة مدينتنا، مدينة الحياة،
المدينة محاطة من الأربع نواحي،
بحران، بحر شمالي و بحر جنوبي،
و بصحراء قاحلة من الشرق و الغرب،
و كانت مدينة الحياة مستقرة و هادئة نسبيا.
أمر الملك (أبو ملكنا الحالي) بإرسال بعثات لإستكشاف الحياة خارج حدود مدينة الحياة.
نصحه الوزراء، بانه لا داعي، فلم تخرج قط بعثة مستكشفين و عادت،
حتى خاف سكان مدينة الحياه من البحر الذي يلتهم البحارة،
و خافوا من جفاف الصحراء، الذي يبتلع الرحالة،
و زادت الشائعات جدا.
قال البعض، إنها الجنة خلف البحار،
ما أن يعبر البحارة حتى ينئون عن الرجوع،
بينما أمن الأغلبية، بأنهم لا يعودون لأنهم مبتلعون!
كان يوم خروج البعثات، يوم مهيب في المدينة.
و خرج المستكشفون، خلفهم أمهاتهم كالثكلي،
زوجاتهم كالأرامل
أبنائهم كلأيتام
و كان نوح عظيم و صمت عميق.
لم يكسر هذا الصمت إلا خطاب الملك،
قال، "إن كنتم تظنون أن خلف البحار الجنة، فتأكدوا إنه رجوعكم هو النعيم.
كروم و جنات، خدم و عبيد، نساء حسان، لمن يرجع من المستكشفين ليخبرنا عن الحياة هناك، إن وجد."
تجنب البعض التعليق خوفا على غضب الملك،
و خوفا من غضب الحرس.
سكت الجميع،
و مضت السنوات و السنوات،
و تأكد جميع سكان مدينة الحياة أنه الموت ساكن على حدود مدينتنا،
الموت هو الخروج من مدينة الحياة، لا محالة.
أخبرني جدي إنه من حوالي عشر سنوات، جرت إشاعة في البلد إن واحد من المستكشفين وجد طائفا على المياه،
"كان يشبه فهمان." إلا إنه لم يكن يتذكر شيء.
أخذه الحرس و أسلموه إلى دار الولاية،
و لم نسمع عنه أي شئ منذ ذاك الحين!
ظن جدي إن بقصصه سيسنيني عن الفضول،
لم يدرك جدي، بانه حرك فيا رغبة، كانت ساكنة،
الخروج من مدينة الحياة !!!
و ما شجعني أكثر، هو تأكيد الناس على قصة فهمان!
إنها لم تكن كذبة .
is it a chapter from the book?
- May be!
what is your name in the novel?
- do not know, may be it will be Adam !
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