Friday, February 12

Worst Article i wrote

Well, here is the mission, write the worst article you ever wrote!
mission started just before midnight,

Do not waste your time continuing reading this !

First let me smoke the last cigarette, as it is the last in the pack,  I am intending to make it my last,
Wait a second till i start burning this!
yes, it is now on,
can always entertain the beauty of the orange color of the fire at the tip of the clear white cigarette, that hides death in it!
reminds me by how many lies in our lives are coated with very bright white colors.

I hate smoking in the morning sun, as this lovely orange color only appears in darkness, but in the morning light, it is just burning ashes with very heavy unpleasant smell.

Smoking causes early death!
That is written on the pack, for me that is advertisement for smoking,
I hated those idiots who wished me on birthday, to live 1000 years!
why would i want to live one thousand years?
every year we pass, we loose more dreams, and hopes and friends, and ppl.
at the age of 10, i lost my grandfather's brother.
First time to understand death meaning,
and now i am almost 28, i meeted (Met, there is nothing called meeted, but i will leave it, target to write the worst article) death several times.

anyway, what were I saying?
ah, yes, i finished the last cigarette while writing this.
as it was the last in the pack, I am thinking seriously of quitting smoking, i am not a smoker, but i do smoke every now and then.

Wait, I will be right back, will go down to get a pack of cigarettes again.


I am back, with the pack of cigarette, this will be the last pack i will ever purchase, (Yeah, you guessed right i will sure get another one, after few days.)

So, what were I doing?

Oh yes i am writing the worst article ever.

That is a fine actress on MBC 2, what is her name?
She is sexy, yes i am thinking that.
I think it will be nice to have a girl like her.  in her beauty !
No, not sure i want something like that !
I do not exactly know what I want!

My body gets warm sometimes when thinking about these stuff.
Sometimes i do really fight the thought, but many times i just leave myself to these thoughts!

Anyway, Let me continue
Here are some very awkward stuff that happened in the past few weeks.
Well, let me start,


'Hi, i just had the most awkward chat yesterday, i want to stop talking with human beings, they are awkward!"
"then start talking with Dogs."
"Yeah, i am doing this now, chose the best Dog I know."
#real chat, was so spontaneous that we cracked laughing


Should i have another cigarette, Why am i smoking anyway?
Well, there is philosophy in cigarettes,
"Should that make you feel smart, instead of seriously stupid and fool for ruining your health?"
well, no. I do seriously like the "me time" during smoking a cigarette.
"You should stop."
Sure, I will.
#igniting another one.


"Do you ever feel lonely?"
Yes, I do, how about you?
"Well, mmm, I am not sure."


"Shit happens in march"
what, what is this statement? How do you know.
"You were born in March!"


Dear God,
I love talking to you, but even the nearest persons to us, sometimes we do not feel that we want to communicate for several days!
Well, I must confess, I do sometimes want to HEAR with my ears, and FEEL with my hands.
I hate Chatting !!!
I am more a face to face person.
Really, deeply, sincerely, and seriously, I am looking forward to meet you face to face and be hugged by you.
You know, I do not know how this might sound,
I envy this leper person, who worshiped you and was touched by you. #physically


"So you are taking your husband out in his vacation"
He is the one who is taking me out.


He told me, "what make it worse, that i am not sure that he exerted even the minimum effort to know whether this might work or not! I hate those lazy people!"


Unfortunately, you cannot get into the airplane with jeans,
"Excuse me!"
Sorry, but you will not be on board, as you are violating the airways rules of wearing blue jeans."
"What if they were black jeans."
Yes, it is allowed, only blue jeans and shorts are not allowed!"
#true story !!!!


Have you ever thought of writing a book.
"No never, why are you suggesting that?"
You are thinking differently.
what will your book talk about?
"I have no idea, it is your idea that i might write a book, not my idea."
Then let's think about a title and introduction for your book.
"the introduction, will be something like that, Dear reader, seriously, why are you wasting time in reading my book, attached in the end page, a list of recommended books to read, rather than that one."


Weird that you felt, how am I feeling by just texting!
"Yes, I am weird."


I kept thinking all night, and I am 100% sure, that there are many people talking about me in my back. What do you think?
"I think You need to see a doctor"


It is 2 am in the morning now, and i am still writing my worst article,
The toughest question i have in my mind, whether i should post it like this, or should I continue it.


kefaya 3aliko keda!


him: Hi
him: How are you?
him: Why aren't you replying me?
him: Oh, you are serious in not replying me.
him: Just wanted to tell you, even if you replied, i will not reply you.
him: As if i wanted you to reply me!
him: ^$%&%$%$
me: Thanks


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