Saturday, December 13

Procrastinator complain.

He started complaining saying:
I have a serious problem. I must confess, i have a huge problem in procrastination and honestly i do not know how to get rid of this, i have many ideas and thoughts and i totally trapped in my procrastination acts and attitudes.
And the more i procrastinate i loose more and more ability to do things.

I feel i am getting old and with trapped dreams and hopes, things that i already regret, i do not know what i will be feeling in 20 years ( if i am still alive) from now!

I fail to sit down to start and as soon as i start i immediately got distracted, for example instead of finishing a report (whose dead line was November 14, and today is November 28!!) I am sending this mail to you!
So I am a talented procrastinator, I ruin days and days from my life instead of finishing what I should be finishing!!

I am sad about that, this procrastination sucks the joy of achievement, because i always achieve late.

Meeting dead lines is like a science fiction thing.
The more and more i procrastinate i loose the taste of this life,

I want to start writing for a movie script and i want to finish reading many books and also finish studying and more and more

I decided 100 times to wake up earlier to walk for 20 minutes before starting my day, when i look at my body, i am an old man, without muscles and i am loosing my strength and flexibility, day after day."

I replied with a smile.
"I have a similar problem, I really need help as well."

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