Sunday, December 14

Dr. Norman Finkelstein and (Palestine - Israel) Debate

I am not into this type of argument. 
But i watched these videos before, and it amazed me that the amount of info in them. 

The first video.
A veiled muslim girl, asked by the professor whether she is against Hamas and Hezbollah. 
And he formed a simple pressure by raising his voice. 

summary of what she said, " I am not against haunting Jews worldwide, and I do not condemn such an idea."

 Dr. Norman Finkelstein

That is a Jewish professor, whom I really admire his way of speaking. To my humble opinion, he is a school of logical thinking and making a tough arguments. 
Also, We (Arabs) do not know such a person, and probably he is caring and defending the case more than anyone else in the middle east. 
Yet we are so stubborn and ignorant rejecting to learn and being opened to different people and ideas. 
Here are few videos, whom i personally watched them, and enjoyed them.

Debating a young man, who was not listening to learn, in the contrary he was preparing questions instead of learning. 
His smooth strict reply is stunning in this video.
"Listen and think for yourself!"

In this video, he replies about two subjects, Lebanon Golan and the Hamas conflict.
Also, he states

The following video, is Prof. Norman arguing with another professor Dershowitz from Harvard university, who was literally washed totally by Prof Norman.
What really astonished me is that the other professor is lying, and can not cope with Prof Norman challenges!
Yet he has a better academic degree.
The media can change people's mind. But I never thought that this will reach to Harvard professors.
I highly encourage hearing the 1st minute from the next video, where each introduced himself.

Finally, I am not sharing these videos, trying to promote a certain idea. 
I never felt that i have the ability of promoting certain ideas. (Actually, it is disgusting!)

I like the debate in its purest shapes. I love ideas, and generating ideas. I am fond of asking and I believe that the real truth is found in the questioning mood. the (Palestine - Israel) debate is one of the most famous debates. And i got to hear these through internet surfing, from one wave to another.

Plus seriously, I admire Prof. Norman debates and logic.

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