Sunday, December 14

Dr. Norman Finkelstein and (Palestine - Israel) Debate

I am not into this type of argument. 
But i watched these videos before, and it amazed me that the amount of info in them. 

The first video.
A veiled muslim girl, asked by the professor whether she is against Hamas and Hezbollah. 
And he formed a simple pressure by raising his voice. 

Saturday, December 13

Procrastinator complain.

He started complaining saying:
I have a serious problem. I must confess, i have a huge problem in procrastination and honestly i do not know how to get rid of this, i have many ideas and thoughts and i totally trapped in my procrastination acts and attitudes.
And the more i procrastinate i loose more and more ability to do things.

I feel i am getting old and with trapped dreams and hopes, things that i already regret, i do not know what i will be feeling in 20 years ( if i am still alive) from now!

I fail to sit down to start and as soon as i start i immediately got distracted, for example instead of finishing a report (whose dead line was November 14, and today is November 28!!) I am sending this mail to you!
So I am a talented procrastinator, I ruin days and days from my life instead of finishing what I should be finishing!!

I am sad about that, this procrastination sucks the joy of achievement, because i always achieve late.

Meeting dead lines is like a science fiction thing.
The more and more i procrastinate i loose the taste of this life,

I want to start writing for a movie script and i want to finish reading many books and also finish studying and more and more

I decided 100 times to wake up earlier to walk for 20 minutes before starting my day, when i look at my body, i am an old man, without muscles and i am loosing my strength and flexibility, day after day."

I replied with a smile.
"I have a similar problem, I really need help as well."

رسالة إلى صديق عزيز.

عزيزي المحبوب
جميل القلب والوجه، راجح الفكر والمنطق.
عيناي تدمع حين أراك،
شاب صغير السن، شيخ حكيم القلب.
صديق فخور بصداقته، واخ أفتخر لقرابته.
يا لجمال الرب الذي أراني جماله فيك.
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