Tuesday, January 14

Reaping what i Sowed

Reap what you sow

And when you reap you have more seeds to sow, then you reap even more seeds!
And then you sow what you reap etc.

Would you save me from what I reaped years ago?
Would you please stop this infinite loop?

What should I do now Lord, as all what I am reaping now is from what I sowed from a previous reap.

This is all what I have.

I don't have different seeds!

Lord, what should I do?

That is a serious question, as all what am I doing now will make me reap worse reaps later.

1 comment:

  1. My all time favorite quote was " what goes around comes around" but as god always teaches us to be out of this sinful world. I learnt that the sins I had done are not waiting in the corner anymore. As it was washed away and god will not even mention it. only when you confess. Baptizim is one big announcement that you have died with Christ and raised up because of his power and with that you will carry your cross everyday for his kingdom. ( a sin is not applicable for a dead person!! ) as per our announcement with The Lord Jesus that we are dead for this world and only living in him, nothing at all will have power over me....


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