Tuesday, January 28

Je suis vivant

This is a part in a movie named "Paris, Je t'aime"

My French is not good enough, but I understand almost 90% of the French language in this part.

I like this part very much, it is about a woman probably in her late 50s and she traveled alone from the USA to Paris.

What I love about it; the ART.
I like the philosophy, the idea, the video shooting, the actress, the French language and the editing. 
It is amazing. 

I remembered this part one day while sitting by myself home.
The wether was chilling, I was drinking a warm coffee, reading a nice book, playing good music, and a weird romantic Korean movie was playing on the TV.

I felt this woman in the movie while saying, “Je suis vivant.”

That's what she say!

I feel alive.
The Korean movie :)

Just sharing this human feeling.

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