Thursday, December 13


اغمض عيني اراك
تجلسين هناك
الشمس ساطعة علي وجهك
الهواء منعش بارد
اسمعك تتكلمين عن حب يوناثان لداود
احبه لأنه انتصر علي جليات
جليات ساقط علي الأرض وداود واقف جنبه
لا يصدق نفسه، هل حقا انتصرت علي هذا العملاق؟!
انا الضعيف الصغير الأصغر بين اخوتي
انا الراعي محب الحيوانات
انا البسيط عازف القيثار المتأمل في الحقول الخضراء
بعيدا عن الصخب بعيدا عن الضوضاء.

Sunday, December 2

random thoughts

I write in Arabic very slowly, if compared to my typing in English.
My English is not very good, sometimes I struggle to express myself.

Also Arabic is not an easy language, as you all know; Arabic which we speak is totally different than the Arabic we write with. I was thinking that there cannot be an Arabic test similar to the ielts test.
I do not know when the leaders in the Arabic world will realize the absolute necessity for something like that. 

I have lots and lots to share and write.
I like stories and analyzing, I love it. This is where I excel.
However, I feel lazy to write whenever I start writing I have the feeling that I am going to write a noble winning novel. As soon as I start writing I discover how I cannot transfer my thoughts into words, and when I read something that I already finished I discover how poor the quality is.

I am captivated by the gap between the materialistic world and the mystic world.
The gap is really increasing.

And now I am struggling with expressing my ideas.
I usually when I reach this phase, I stop writing hoping that I will continue the article later. or do extra effort, and it turns to be very painful.

Adjusting the language and the text is very frustrating. How much I wish to hire someone whom I can share my ideas with and he / she will write for me.

I will later on adjust the wording and phrases to restore my thoughts with my writing capabilities. Unfortunately, I did not start that yet.

function excerpt_read_more_link($output) { global $post; return $output . ' Read More...'; } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'excerpt_read_more_link');