Saturday, May 20


when was the last time i wrote?
It has been a while, the following article i consider it as tweets.


A thought

Are Internet and media the roots of all evil?
Sitting checking the phone can consume hours, I do not have an appetite for reading any more.

I am trying to write, but i do not have anything to write about.
Except some uninteresting stories.

A Quote

the capacity of a person to tolerate determines 
the level of success he will achieve. 


A Game 

Let me play a game with you,
Mention a word that describe the following two words together.

  1. Capitalism and greed!
  2. Syria and Russia 
  3. USA and Korea
  4. Iran and Suadi Arabia 
  5. Yemen and Libia 
  6. Egypt and Venezuela.

One word to sum all the above,
Greed and arrogance!



There are sins which are clearly identified as sins.
in my opinion they are the least effective sins to ruin your life.
It is the unclear, unspecified sins are lethal
Like laziness, greed or envy
Did you meet anyone who identifies himself as greedy envious lazy person.
The funny thing, that one kill make you a killer, but what determines my laziness level.


Moral  Code

what is the moral code, and who evaluate it.
There are two types of those who do not believe in God: Heroes and Miscreants.
Heroes are those who exert extra effort to monitor and calibrate their moral code continuously.
Miscreants are those who choose to not believe in God to prevent any moral Code.

There are two types of those who do believe in God: Heroes and Miscreants.
Heroes are those who rely on a reference existing moral code, and exert effort to monitor themselves based upon it. they challenge the callib and calibrate their moral code continuously.
Miscreants are those who let others chose for them their moral code and then leave those others to evaluate them based on it.

Conclusion: the world is full of Miscreants.

Meaningful life vs disturbance

In order to be living a meaningful life, you should have a mind set that is always focussed to live a meaningful live. You must daily evaluate about your actions, motives, intentions and attitudes.

no, it cannot be daily, you need to check them more often.
It is getting harder nowadays to do so because of the technology. (Smart phones, TV, internet, etc...)
It is easier to keep scrolling down and watching funny cat videos rather than monitoring yourself.
The distractions which we do not fight, affects reaching the goal of having a meaningful life.

The funny thing, by writing this article I am adding to the burden that someone might read it and add more disturbance in a world full of chaos.

Although I do not have any social media accounts as i hoped to prevent disturbing and being disturbed; yet, I am doing it my way.
The time which i saved by not reading Facebook posts, I use it to follow up the news or watch stuff on youtube.
and the disturbance i hoped i would not cause, i am doing it through chatting talking and writing.

Each bubble in a boiling water has an effect on the entire water.
We all participate in the chaotic effect.


Recently, All the information and knowledge are having this dark feeling, not the happy light bright smooth calm breeze of knowledge and wisdom.


A dream

This dream i have for myself, to be a soft calm breeze in a tough world. 

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function excerpt_read_more_link($output) { global $post; return $output . ' Read More...'; } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'excerpt_read_more_link');