Friday, February 28

wept [audibly]

Her eyes are so beautiful and sad; she is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever met in my life. 
Her hair is long and soft as silk. She is tall, smart and pleasant.

But when looking at her for few minutes, I saw her pain. 
Her eyes carried sadness beyond my capabilities of understanding!

Friday, February 21

Full of years

Tomorrow is a word which has a hidden hope in just pronouncing it, it means that you will wake up, it means that the sun will rise.

Tomorrow, I am a new person, as today's person will die!
I will cover myself with a blanket aiming for warmth for both my body and my soul.

As I am writing this after midnight, I am already in “tomorrow”, but the sun rise has a different flavor than the watch indicating midnight!

Thursday, February 20

3 Kids in my dream.

I returned home around 10:30 pm yesterday, and while I was parking my car, there was a small fight between 2 kids, they were attacking each other brutally, and they were not crying, actually they were laughing!!!!
I screamed at them so they may stop fighting. But this is how they were entertaining themselves.

Friday, February 7

Facebook look back

everyone is obsessed by the facebook's "look back" 1 minute movie.

here is what I got when i pressed the link
empty screen

Why am I not seeing a movie?

If you aren’t seeing A Look Back movie when you visit, it may be because you have not shared very many things on Facebook. Depending on how long you’ve been on Facebook and how much you’ve shared, you’ll see a movie, a collection of photos or a thank you card.
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you have not shared many things 

which means, "you are what you share!"

what re you really sharing in this life? (not on facebook :)  )

have a good day
function excerpt_read_more_link($output) { global $post; return $output . ' Read More...'; } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'excerpt_read_more_link');