Friday, September 12

Did not follow

“Do you know, if all those ppl left you, I will not!”
He replied in a smooth voice, “Are you sure?”
“Yes I am hundred percent sure.”

And all of a sudden I saw a man who came to him saying, “Lord, I am going to follow you, but let me first …..”

The lord never accepted those (let me first do) type.

I survived an accident.
Do I own my life now?
I never thought about it.
HE said, “Follow me” and Mathew just followed him.

Fullness of life!
What does that mean?
“he who ever loose his life for my sake restore it.”
" Whoever finds his [lower] life will lose it [the higher life], and whoever loses his [lower] life on My account will find it [the higher life]" Mathew 10:39

I said, “I am just following you.”
He replied with compassion, “you cannot!”

This broke my heart.
I went to fish again.
I did what I thought I could do!
I am a fisherman.

He came, but Peter did not recognize him.
And John said to Peter, “this is the Lord”
And Peter swam to Jesus.
He asked Peter, “Do you love me?”

I said, “Yes, I love you.”
I said that, feeling very ashamed from myself. I am a liar.

“I told you, my life is yours!” I said.

Oh Lord, I need you.
What do you want from me.
Am I by doing this following you.

Or I am just following my greedy heart.

Many things looks like an angel of light.
But eventually
It is not. …….

"This article I wrote it few days ago, before the Arabic one, [Link] I was trying to hide, as if this is a devil appearing in an angel of light.

I was trying to flee.
And now, he passed and I did not notice him.
I did not follow, but my friend just did!

When the young man heard this, he went away sad, 
because he [was worried about his work].
Mathew (19 : 22)

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