Monday, March 11

Last Chat

she : why are you so angry?
I : why shouldn’t i be angry from you/
She: this is what can i do, i can't care more
I : you serious?!! you can't care LESS!!  
she: you are not being fair
I : and probably you are not being honest with yourself!!
she : Come on!
I : no i think we must finish this
she : ok
I : :-)
I : i have a serious last question!
she : ask
I : Can you care LESS, do you really have any deeper abilities to care LESS :-)

the end

Keep the Door Open

No don't close the door
keep it open
just leave but dont close the door behind you
let me see the tree and the sky behind it
the sky is clear
but there is this tiny cloud
that will turn into a rain
with thunder and lightning
keep the door open
so  i can smell the rain,
keep it open that my hair get wet from the tiny droplets from the air
function excerpt_read_more_link($output) { global $post; return $output . ' Read More...'; } add_filter('the_excerpt', 'excerpt_read_more_link');